Strong & Capable Mini Golf team

Mini golf for the win

Community Catch Up at Hey Caddy Mini Golf – June 2024

A few members of the Strong & Capable Community headed out for a round of mini golf and pizza as a good excuse to get together and have some fun!

The course was travel themed and took us all around the world, and nine holes was just long enough for us to see some real putting talent!

No mini golf tournament is complete without giving out some awards:

  1. The Finish Strong Award goes to Mark
  2. The Most Powerful Putt Award goes to Sally
  3. The Participation Award goes to Graeson.
  4. The Pro Award goes to Peter
  5. The All Rounder goes to Clair.

Strong & Capable Community Dinner Clair putting at mini golf with Strong & Capable Community Strong & Capable Mini Golf team

 Photo captions from left to right, Members enjoying pizza before the game, Clair taking a putt, Graeson & team taking a break between holes.

Get togethers like this enable meaningful social connections and this is what we are so passionate about!

Want to attend the next Community Catch Up and be part of our growing community? Then make sure you are signed up to the Co-op and keep an eye on our Event Calendar. 

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